Animation: Ralph Bakshi

Bakshi is worldwide know for established an alternative to mainstream animation throught independent and adult oriented films and tv-shows, which at the beginning caused lot of controversy because most of the people thought that cartoons were only for kids.

In 1967 Bakshi accepted the position of Producer and Director of Paramount Cartoon Studios (aka Famous Studios) which had been the Max Fleicher Studio. There he did four theatricals: Marvin Digs, Mini Squirts, Super Basher and Bop, and the Fiendish Five. Here he hired Mort Drucker, Wally Wood, Jack Davis, Joe Kubert, Jim Steranko, Gray Morrow and Roy Krenkel. As the theatrical market abruptly stopped, the studio closed and Bakshi was hired by Steve Krantz Productions to go to Toronto to take over direction and production of Rocket Robinhood at Al Guest Studios. There he produced and directed Spiderman- bringing it to life for the first time out of it’s comic book pages.

His most famous films are Cool World (one of my favorites), Wizards, the first animated movie of Lord of the Rings (which used the rotoscope animation technique but to be honest that looked pretty awful at that time), Coonskin, the Mighty Mouse (I loved it when I was a child), American PopFritz the Cat (based in Robert Crump cartoons) among others.

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